Upcoming events

People, Planet, Pint

People, Planet, Pint is a global community of networking events and there are meetups running in Horsham and Haywards Heath.

They’re every month, free to attend, and attendees get a free drink!

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All the Ingredients for Sustainable Success

Chichester District Council, in partnership with Chichester College, is excited to announce the return of the All the Ingredients for Sustainable Success event celebrating the incredible food, drink, and hospitality sector.

Chichester College, Chichester, 29 January 2025, from 5pm.

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Horsham Business Climate Hub

Join the Horsham Business Climate Hub virtual network to help your business become greener.

It’s a private group which is free to join and hosted on the wider West Sussex Business Hub.

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Funding and Opportunities

Adur and Worthing grants

Grants of up to £3,000 are available to businesses in Adur and Worthing for energy efficiency and renewable energy.

It’s part of the Adur and Worthing Business Support Programme.

The pot is limited so get in quick!

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Grants for Chichester District SMEs

Chichester District Council is helping SMEs on their sustainability journey through the Sustainable Support Grant Programme.

Businesses can apply for a grant to help with purchase and installation of materials and equipment, as well as specialist expertise.

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Crawley's Greentech Business Growth Fund

Through Crawley Borough Council’s Greentech Business Growth Fund, business based in Crawley that operate in the green-tech or low-carbon sectors are able to apply for grants of between £10,000 and £175,000 to fund projects and investments that enable business growth and generate additional employment.

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Got a green business event or initiative you’d like to list? Let us know below.