Green Business Champions

Each of our Green Business Champions bring hard-won industry knowledge and a wealth of experience making sustainable business work for the planet and the bottom line. Click on their profiles to find out more and look out for them at events across West Sussex.

Andy Hepworth
Chairman, Hepworth and Company Brewers Ltd

“We all love beer but I believe that we shouldn’t be damaging the planet to make it and we know we can do better.” 

Steve Sawyer
Executive Director, Manor Royal BID

“We are on a journey. We’ll have some successes, we’ll make some mistakes and we will learn a lot. After which I am convinced we will be in a better place. I’m looking forward to sharing that.”   

Simon Green
Managing Director, Stubcroft Farm Campsite Ltd

“There is a huge mountain to climb but momentum is building as green businesses become increasingly competitive & successful.”

James Lizars
Founder and CEO, Thrive Accountants

“Decide to take action today, take the action, tell your team about it and invite ideas on what to do next.” 

Adam Huttly
Founder, Red-Inc

“I believe that businesses can be hugely influential and have a big responsibility to be the change we need to see in the world.”

Krisi Smith and Mike Turner
Co-Founders, Bird & Blend Tea Co.

“Our top tip for businesses wanting to take steps towards sustainability? Just make a start.”

Josie Cadwallader-Hughes
Sustainability Director, Thakeham Group

“Every industry is tackling the same sustainability topics, so don’t limit yourself by just what you see in your competitors.”

Duncan Anderson
CEO, South Downs Leisure

“Start small, involve the whole team and lead from the top. If you can develop a cultural change, your team will do the rest.”

Tom Morphew
Founder, The Garden Army and Full Circle Farms

“Small adjustments can start big changes.”

Rachel Birrell-Gray
Marketing Manager, Adelphi Group of Companies

“Speak to as many people as possible within your network, to find out what’s worked for other businesses. The chances are that someone will have a little gem which resonates!”

Sam Zindel
Managing Director, Propellernet

“Don’t spend ages writing the perfect sustainability plan, just get started and work it out as you go”